IMProductStatMapper.xml 3.9 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.sibu.orderHelper.integral.web.dao.IMWebProductStatDao">
	<resultMap type="com.sibu.orderHelper.vo.ProductSaleBean" id="productSaleBean">
		<result column="name" property="productName"></result>
		<result column="erp_code" property="erpCode"></result>
		<result column="cost1" property="cost1"></result>
		<result column="cost2" property="cost2"></result>
		<result column="num" property="num"></result>
		<result column="integral" property="integral" jdbcType="INTEGER"></result>
		<result column="price" property="price" jdbcType="DOUBLE"></result>
	<!-- 查询erpCodo数据 -->
    <select id="selectProductErpCodes" resultType="java.lang.String" parameterType="java.util.Map">
    	select erp_code from  im_product imp left join im_product_inventory inventory
    		on imp.im_product_id =inventory.im_product_id
    	  where imp.delete_flag = 1 and imp.erp_code !='0' and imp.erp_code is not null 
    		<if test="categoryId !=null and categoryId!=''">
				and (imp.im_category_id =#{categoryId} or 
					imp.im_category_id in (select ic.im_category_id from im_category ic where ic.child_category_id = #{categoryId}))
			<if test="keyword != null and keyword !=''">
				and like concat('%',#{keyword},'%')
			<if test="erpCode != null and erpCode !=''">
				and imp.erp_code like concat('%',#{erpCode},'%')
			<if test="isShow != null and isShow !=''">
				and imp.is_show = ${isShow} 
			<if test="isHot != null and isHot !=''">
				and imp.is_hot = ${isHot} 
			group by 
			order by sum(inventory.cost) desc 
				${pageNow}, ${pageSize} 
        <select id="totalIMProduct" resultType="int" parameterType="map">
        select count(1) from (
    	select count(1) as num from im_product imp where imp.delete_flag = 1 and imp.erp_code !='0' and imp.erp_code is not null 
    		<if test="categoryId !=null and categoryId!=''">
				and (imp.im_category_id =#{categoryId} or 
					imp.im_category_id in (select ic.im_category_id from im_category ic where ic.child_category_id = #{categoryId}))
			<if test="keyword != null and keyword !=''">
				and like concat('%',#{keyword},'%')
			<if test="erpCode != null and erpCode !=''">
				and imp.erp_code like concat('%',#{erpCode},'%')
			<if test="isShow != null and isShow !=''">
				and imp.is_show = ${isShow} 
			<if test="isHot != null and isHot !=''">
				and imp.is_hot = ${isHot} 
			group by erp_code
			) as temp
    <!-- 查询商品的积分销售,现金销售,总销售量 -->
    <select id="selectProductSale" resultMap="productSaleBean" parameterType="java.util.Map">
    	<foreach collection="erpCodes" separator="union all" item="erpCode">
    		SELECT n.erp_code , ,integral.cost AS 'cost1',cash.cost AS 'cost2',integral.cost+cash.cost AS 'num' , product1.integral,product2.price  FROM 
			(SELECT erp_code ,NAME FROM im_product WHERE erp_code =#{erpCode} GROUP BY erp_code) n,
			(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(inventory.cost),0) AS 'cost' FROM im_product  imp
				left join im_product_inventory inventory on imp.im_product_id =inventory.im_product_id 
				WHERE imp.product_type =0 AND imp.erp_code =#{erpCode}  ) integral,
			(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(inventory.cost),0) AS 'cost' FROM im_product imp
				left join im_product_inventory inventory on imp.im_product_id =inventory.im_product_id 
			 WHERE imp.product_type =1 AND imp.erp_code =#{erpCode}) cash,
			 (SELECT IFNULL (SUM(xws_exchange_integral),0) AS integral FROM im_product WHERE erp_code =#{erpCode} AND product_type =0) AS product1,
			(SELECT IFNULL (SUM(retail_price),0) AS price FROM  im_product WHERE erp_code =#{erpCode} AND product_type =1 )  AS product2