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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.sibu.orderHelper.integral.web.dao.IMWebOrderStatictisDao">
<!-- 统计订单数量 -->
<select id="statisticsOrderNum" parameterType="map" resultMap="orderCountResult">
select orderTemp.* from
<foreach collection="tableNames" open="(" close=")" separator=" UNION ALL " item="orderTable">
select count(1) cou, order_status
from ${orderTable[0]}
where 1=1 and delete_flag = 1
<if test="orderType !=null and orderType !=''">
<if test="orderType == 'integral'">
and order_from = 0
<if test="orderType == 'money'">
and order_from = 1
<if test="isCurrentDay !=null and isCurrentDay !=''">
and date(create_dt) = curdate()
group by order_status
as orderTemp
<resultMap type="com.sibu.orderHelper.integral.vo.OrderCount" id="orderCountResult">
<id column="cou" property="cou"/>
<result column="order_status" property="orderStatus" />